Thursday, October 18, 2018

Vendors Needed for the RHS Christmas Bazaar!

Just wanted you to know that we will have an upcoming event on December 1--A Holiday Bazaar at Rainier High School Commons -- Can you help us get the word out?  Thanks! 

Just a heads up . . . .
The high school ASB is planning on sponsoring a HOLIDAY BAZAAR from 10-4 p.m. on Saturday, December 1.  If you’d like to come shopping, pencil it in on your calendar now.  If you’d like to be a vendor, here are the details--$25 a table and $35 with electricity.  You may set up from 9-10 a.m. that morning and we can accommodate approximately 25 vendors.  We will be limiting the types of vendors to one per each type (only 1 Scentsy, 1 Pampered Chef, etc).  It will be based on first one who submits the table fee. There will be no “ready to eat” food items.  The ASB will be holding a concession table with bottled beverages and ready to eat pre-packaged snacks.  (We do not want to have to purchase a food establishment permit from the Thurston County Health Dept.)

Vendor applications are available on the Rainier School District ASB page.  They are due by November 15, 2018.  Questions, please contact Sandy Rossmaier at!  Thanks.

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