Monday, September 16, 2024

Tenino Community Service Center Fundraiser Dinner

 Dear Seniors & Friends,

George and I attended the Tenino Community Service Center Fundraiser Dinner last night.  The Tenino Eagles Club was filled with people supporting the TCSC.  Several people from the Senior Center of Rainier - Nancy Bay, Suki Hulen, George Ridout and Debbie Sorrells sat with us.  George R. and Nancy won a raffle prizes!  George J, Nancy B and I won silent auction prizes.

Jody and her volunteers did a wonderful job of cooking, serving and setting up the whole event.  It took a many volunteers to put on this successful event.  There are many volunteers in the pictures, however not all of the volunteers are pictured as they were working while the pictures were being taken.   

Many people from Rainier attended including Pastor Pat Cooley and his wife, Tina from Valley Heart Assembly of God Church, which runs the Rainier Food Pantry.

It took a lot of volunteers to put on this event.  A special "thank you" to all of the volunteers! They did a wonderful job. Jody and Crew worked very hard to put this event together.  Dinner was delicious.  The leftover food was donated to the Senior Center of Rainier, so we will be having Pork Loin, rather than fish sticks for lunch today!!!  

We are all grateful and appreciate the support we receive from the Tenino Community Service Center!  Thank you all for a wonderful evening!

Jody Stoltz presented the ne "Tenino Community Service Center Logo" last night. 

Below are some of the other pictures I took last night:

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